Electric Buses vs Cable Cars

September 15, 2021

Electric Buses vs Cable Cars


There is a new era in public transportation. Autonomous vehicles are becoming more popular, and two of the most widely used options are electric buses and cable cars. As much as we would like to think we are impartial, we here at Flare Compare believe puns are the way to go! So hop on, let's compare the two in a humorous but informative manner.

Electric Buses

Electric buses are the future of public transportation. They run on electricity and are relatively low maintenance. Electric buses are perfect for cities looking to reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining a reliable public transportation system. One of the biggest reasons electric buses are gaining popularity is because they are cheaper to operate than traditional buses. Moreover, they provide a more comfortable ride to passengers with their low noise level and a smoother ride.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, electric buses can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 72% per year compared to traditional diesel buses. Furthermore, electric buses can save up to 60% of operating costs compared to diesel buses over the lifetime of a bus. Obviously, when given these statistics, electric buses seem to be a clear winner... or are they?

Cable Cars

Cable cars, on the other hand, are not electric vehicles but they are a type of autonomous vehicle. Unlike electric buses, they are powered by a cable system that runs internally under the tracks. The vehicles themselves are relatively simple, with fewer moving parts than traditional buses, which means they are generally easier to maintain.

Although it may seem like a costly transportation option, cable cars have their advantages. They are one of the most efficient modes of transportation, with a capacity of up to 200 passengers per trip. They also move constantly but at a slow pace. This makes them an ideal option for tourist attractions where people want to appreciate the scenery while moving slowly enough to prevent accidents.

The Verdict

So, which one is better? It depends on the needs of the city or destination. If the primary goal is to decrease carbon emissions and save on operational costs, electric buses are an excellent choice. However, if we are focusing on capacity, scenic routes, or complex terrains, cable cars can be an excellent choice.

It is difficult to pin down exactly which one is better as the requirements for the scheme will dictate the final choice. Nonetheless, it would not hurt to consider both options in the decision-making process.


  1. Union of Concerned Scientists. (2021). Electric Buses. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/electric-buses
  2. Ryder System, Inc. (2021). The Advantages of Cable Cars. https://ryderenewsroom.com/a-world-of-transportation/the-advantages-of-cable-cars/

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